Welcome to 2018!


Happy New Year and welcome to 2018! We hope that your year is off to a great start! Our blog is up and running again and we want to share some of our goals for this year with you. 

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Orisun Collective
Creative Spotlight: Temi Coker
"My sophomore year in college was when I knew I was meant to be a creative and embrace my creativity. This was the same year I switched my major from biomedical engineering to digital media. That was the turning point in my life. "

Temi is a Photographer, Graphic Designer and an Educator in Texas. He is widely known for his creative approach in photography and design.

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Teacher Spotlight: Edward Okougbo
“Music provided a sort of solace for me. It was an escape from my harsh reality at that time.”

Edward, who is known in the music scene as “EdWord,” is a regular host at The SoulHub (@TheSoulHub), a platform that showcases live music, poetry and rap in Lagos, Nigeria. He was also the singing instructor at the 2016 Orisun Summer Institute for Creative Arts.

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I'm Here to Support the Brave Ones and Encourage Those That Are Afraid

We have that one thing we used to do or be really good at when we were kids. But not anymore. Sometimes, our excuse is that we simply grew out of it and moved on to other things. However, most times, the reason we did not pursue that interest was because we either lacked the resources to develop it or we received significant discouragement from our families or communities.

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